Tomorrow we are free

Regie: Hossein Pourseifi – Drama, 97 min, color, Germany, 2019, DE

Summer 1979: The „Islamic Revolution“ sweeps over Iran. After the fall of the Shah and the founding of the „Islamic Republic“, Beate leaves the GDR with her daughter Sarah and follows her husband Omid, who is able to return home after 16 years in exile.

After the initial spirit of optimism, however, life becomes a struggle for Beate and her daughter Sarah. Beate’s ideas of a self-determined life are overshadowed by a violent political change in the country. People’s lives, especially those of women and girls, are severely restricted. Universities are closed, Beate can no longer work there. Hundreds of newspapers are banned. Omid is forced to go into hiding to protect himself from the assault of the revolutionary guards.

Gripped by arbitrariness, violence and religious doctrines, the country falls further and further into a ruthless dictatorship. Instinctively, Beate recognises the dangers of this development for herself and her family, while Omid continues to believe that the problems can be overcome. But both love their daughter too much to accept that Sarah is brought up under the extreme religious yoke of the mullahs. Eventually, the political conditions become unbearable and Beate wants to return to Berlin with Sarah in 1981. But Sarah’s permission to leave becomes a crucial test.
„The revolution eats its children“ is a quote from the French Revolution. TOMORROW WE ARE FREE is the dramatic story of a woman who experiences the historical truthfulness of this quote in the most painful way.


»What particularly touched me is the question: What price am I willing to pay when I believe in a big idea that reaches beyond myself? Would I go into a fight – for my people, for my country, for something that others and I believe in together? What dangers am I exposing myself to and am I dragging those closest to me into these dangers as well? I think it’s an unsolvable question. But I find it very important and I find it particularly important at a time when great political ideas are becoming less and less visible. That’s why this film touched me, it poses these big psychological questions, these big philosophical and political questions in an undramatic way so finely, so quietly, that it hit me particularly hard.«

MFG-Jury Member 2020 Christian Schwochow



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About the Film

Director Hossein Pourseifi‘s feature-length debut, based on true events, is carried by the performance of its leading actresses and shows the process of how the mullahs came to power in 1979 after the Shah was deposed. The narrative perspective focuses on the female characters and their loss of freedom due to the „Islamic Revolution“. Coherently integrated archive material, TV clips and amateur footage from the time complement the scenes and create a quasi-documentary impression. The camera, which stays close to the characters, the setting, equipment and composition of the images create a very authentic atmosphere. The restrained visualisation enables the viewers to perceive the process of change and the dramatic impact on the public and private spheres, while avoiding clichés and exaggeration.


»My husband loved Iranian music, which was very strange to me at first, with its very different intervals of tones and rhythms and singing technique. Our story ended tragically. The political conditions became unbearable and in 1982 I returned with the children to Berlin, where I had studied psychology after training as a librarian. My husband was arrested a few months later because of his political activities. My children and I kept in touch with him through very sparse censored little letters. In 1988 came the unofficial news of his execution. We never received any information from the Iranian authorities about his trial and sentence, about the date of his death and his grave. That was 20 years ago now. That’s why we are thinking of him right now, of his commitment to his country, of his suffering in Iranian prison and also of the wonderful love story that began in 1965 with the Leipzig Gewandhaus concert.«


40 years after the events surrounding the mullahs‘ seizure of power, the film offers adolescents the opportunity to visualize the past, which still has a lasting impact on life in Iran and other radical Islamic countries today. Topics such as Sharia law, gender segregation, patriarchal power, discrimination against women and ideological-religious paternalism are probably not entirely unfamiliar to older pupils from current media and discussions. The cinematically successful interweaving of documentary and staged material opens up the narrative framework of how an increasingly totalitarian system penetrates the living environment and gradually destroys the future hopes of a multicultural family. The special family narrative, the stringent staging of a German-Iranian family alienated by socio-political conditions, the portrayal of the strong female roles and, last but not least, the depiction of the conflict over the upbringing of the child open up a variety of ways of approaching the subject.





Katrin Röver


Reza Brojerdi


Morteza Tavakoli


Zar Amir Ebrahimi


Luzie Nadjafi


Payam Madjlessi


Majid Bakhtiari


Brigitte Böttrich


Michael Hanemann


Nima Mehrabani

F. Fischer

Ursula Renneke


Director & Writer

Hossein Pourseifi


Mohammad Farokhmanesh, Armin Hofmann, Frank Geiger & Ali Samadi Ahadi


Red Parrot Studios GmbH


Patrick Orth


Olav Gross

Original language



97 min



Production company

Little Dream Entertainment GmbH


Little Dream Pictures GmbH


Available on

The film is currently available on the following streaming platforms.
If you would like to screen the film at your own event, please do not hesitate to contact us directly for a streaming link.


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Contact person


24 Bilder Filmagentur / René Krieger / +49 (0)89 44 23 276 – 14


S&L Medianetworx GmbH / Sabine Stoermer & Kerstin Gehrke / 089 23 68 49 783

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