Director: Steffi Niederzoll – Documentary, 97 min, color, Germany, France, 2023
Tehran, July 7, 2007: Reyhaneh Jabbari, 19, has a business meeting with a new customer. It’s a completely normal day, but one that will change her life forever. Because when the man tries to rape her, she stabs him in self-defense and flees. She was arrested the same day and charged with murder shortly afterwards. Despite much evidence pointing to self-defense, Reyhaneh has no chance in court because her rapist was a powerful and well-connected man who, even after his death, is protected by patriarchal society. Reyhaneh is sentenced to death. Her personal fight for justice begins.
Thanks to secretly recorded videos provided by Reyhaneh’s family, her testimonies, the letters Reyhaneh wrote in prison and other archives, the film traces the trial, imprisonment and fate of a young woman who became a symbol of resistance. Her fight for women’s rights reflects the fight of so many women, not just in Iran.
»A call to resistance against oppression« –
– ARD –
»An infinitely important film«
– Journey into Cinema –
74th International Filmfestival Berlin 2023: Kompass-Perspektive Award for Best Film, section Perspektive Deutsches Kino
CPH:DOX: F:act Award
Biografilm Festival 2023: Best Film Award / International Competition
German Film Peace Award (Special Award), Filmfest Munich

Filmpreisträger für den besten Dokumentarfilm und Schnitt
About the movie
»How do you overcome the feeling of your own powerlessness and resist? We follow the story of a young woman who resists institutionalized male violence and find a sensitive portrait of a family that is torn apart in the fight against an unjust regime. Using a variety of documentary materials, the film creates a compelling narrative arc.
This film is painful and disturbing. At the same time, the encounter with the young protagonist Reyhaneh is inspiring and leaves us with a spark of hope.«
– Jury statement for the Kompass Perspective Prize for the Best Film – Berlin International Film Festival 2023 –
with: | Reyhaneh Jabbari |
Shole Pakravan | |
Fereydoon Jabbar | |
Shahrzad Jabbari | |
Sharare Jabbari | |
as the voice of Reyhaneh: | Zar Amir Ebrahimi (Cannes Filmfestival 2022, Best Actress) |

Everything ready for download at a glance.
Central Film Verleih / 030 21492200
Press agency
LILIE2A PR / Jutta Heyn / 030 4036 1137 2